A tsunami (pronounced soo-nahm-ee) is a series of giant waves that happen after underwater movement due to a variety of natural events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides and meteorites. The waves travel in all directions from the area of disturbance, much like the ripples that happen after throwing a rock. The waves may travel in the open sea as fast as 450 miles per hour.

As the big waves approach shallow waters along the coast they grow to a great height and smash into the shore. They can be as high as 100 feet. They can cause a lot of destruction on the shore..

"Tsunami" is a Japanese word. Tsu means "harbor" and nami means "wave.

Remember Be Tsunami Smart

Strong local earthquakes may cause tsunamis.
FEEL the ground shaking severely?
DROP COVER HOLD then RUN to higher ground

As a tsunami approaches shorelines, the ocean may pull back from the coastline significantly, exposing the ocean floor, reefs and fish.
SEE an unusual disappearance of water?
RUN to higher ground

A roar like an oncoming train or plane may be heard as a tsunami rushes toward the shore.
HEAR the roar?
RUN to higher ground

Don't wait for official evacuation orders.
Immediately leave low-lying coastal areas e.g. beaches.
Do not try to surf the tsunami.
Move inland to higher ground.
RUN if you see a tsunami coming!

Never go down to the beach to watch for a tsunami