Flooding can often cause forced evacuation. The process of evacuation is normally affected to remove a threatened community from a high risk factor.

The evacuee is often being asked to leave the security of his/her home to an impersonal setting. This is often in the form of shelters - located at some schools and churches.
Secure all personal documents and records. Since the duration of the stay away from home is unpredictable gas, electricity and water should be turned off.

If you have to leave your home, remember these evacuation tips:

  • Do not walk through moving water. Six inches of moving water can make you fall. If you have to walk in water, walk where the water is not moving. Use a stick to check the firmness of the ground in front of you.


  • Do not drive into flooded areas. If floodwaters rise around your car, abandon the car and move to higher ground if you can do so safely. You and the vehicle can be swept away quickly.


  • Do not camp or park your vehicle along streams, rivers or creeks, particularly during threatening conditions.

Flood Driving Tips

Cars can become coffins in floods so driving should be undertaken only when absolutely necessary- for instance evacuation of persons unable to walk.
The following are important points to remember when driving in flood conditions:

  • Six inches of water will reach the bottom of most passenger cars causing loss of control and possible stalling.


  • A foot of water will float many vehicles


  • Two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including sport utility vehicles (SUV's) and pick-ups.


  • Do not attempt to drive through a flooded road. The depth of water is not always obvious. The road bed may be washed out under the water, and you could be stranded or trapped.


  • Do not drive around a barricade. Barricades are there for your protection. Turn around and go the other way.


  • Do not try to take short cuts. They may be blocked. Stick to designated evacuation routes.


  • Be especially cautious driving at night when it is harder to recognize flood dangers.